Sunday, June 26, 2011

2 Down, 5 To Go

Thursday concluded the end of my second rotation (I did an early community rotation in North Carolina last summer). It went by really fast, and as I said before, I'm looking forward to doing another six weeks here. I have some goals for the next month and a half:

*Be more efficient looking through patient charts.
*Think to this patient on the best medications he/she can be on? If not, then make appropriate recommendations. I want to make some kind of recommendation (even if it's just to my preceptor) once a day, unless all the patients are on the absolute perfect medications.

I have to be careful with my second goal though, because in the acute setting, the one goal is to get the patient back to baseline (or as close to it as possible) and get the patient discharged so they don't get any hospital-acquired anything. So, things like making sure the patient is on the best medications for their comorbidities (for example, conditions listed in their past medical history that aren't directly associated with the reason they are in the hospital) may not be as important. I think the latter would be important in the ambulatory care setting, which I'm curious about. The am care setting appeals to me because of that relationship that I would get to have with my patients, instead of seeing patients in the acute setting, and probably never seeing again. Hopefully I'll have more of an idea after my am care rotation, but as for right now, I'll immerse myself in acute care and keep on learning :).

On a side note, I heard back from the NC clinic, and they approved the rotation :D!! So, I'll be road tripping to NC in August, and I'll be there until about September 18th. It was worth the wait, and definitely worth googling "health clinics in raleigh, NC" and calling random places back in April. There's no pharmacist who works at this clinic, and I'll be there first pharmacy "employee" working directly in their facility, so the pressure's on!

My work area!
Mentees and Mentors :)...there's one person missing in this picture though.

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