Friday, January 27, 2012

Hepatic Encephalopathy or Psychosis?

We received a really interesting nonformulary consult for risperidone this week. Pt on lactulose, rifaximin, risperidone, omeprazole, lasix, codeine/APAP. Just looking at the meds, you know the pt is probably in end stage cirrhosis (needing lasix to keep the fluid out, acid reflux issues…). Plus, of course, he’s on lactulose and rifaximin. Pharmacy was consulted on what to do with the risperidone. Now the detective work begins…The following is the SOAP note I wrote up regarding this issue.

70 y/o male patient with PMH significant for chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, RA, osteoporosis, delirium, and unspecified psychosis. Current medications include codeine/APAP, omeprazole, KCl, Lasix, Risperidone, lactulose, Rifaximin, loratidine, and sertraline. Pt in for outpatient appt on 01/04/2012 – he was at baseline, but fatigued in the mornings. Relative is requesting dose decrease. Denied delusions/hallucinations at this visit. Clinical pharmacist consulted for continued use of nonformulary risperidone.
Previous hospitalizations:
2009: Pt admitted to ED after falling in the shower. He was given 80mg prednisone, and became profoundly agitated (required restraints). His agitation improved, but psychosis emerged. Risperidone started. Prior to D/C, pt’s mental status improved and risperidone dose decreased to 1mg in AM and 2mg at HS with hopes of further decreasing dose in future. Ammonia 95 at this visit.
2010: Pt admitted to hospital d/t being unresponsive. Started Rifaximin by GI, and showed improvement. Gained 20lbs over a few days, mostly responded to Lasix. Pt discharged with rifaximin. Ammonia 180 at this visit.
2011: Pt’s CC was AMS. Found that this was likely d/t pt running out of rifaximin and his constipation. Negative for SBP, ascites, and blood culture x2.
10/23/2011: Glucose 106, SCr 0.77, Alk phos 182 H, AST 49 H, ALT 33, bilirubin 1.9 H
BP range last year: 91/50 to 150/88, Mostly 120s/70s.
Pt did not get lipids done during last visit and has not been updated since 2009.
1. Mental health sx may be d/t hepatic related encephalopathy. Pt has never tried rifaximin alone without risperidone. Also, pt’s 2011 admit for AMS was d/t running out of rifaximin – this may be the medication that is alleviating MH sx.
2. March 2011 MH note states: “Pt appears to have dementia and Parkinson-related symptoms.” Dementa-related psychosis is a black box warning for risperidone d/t increased mortality risk in elderly dementia pts – most deaths d/t CV or infectious events. Also, Parkinson-related symptoms may be d/t risperidone.

1. D/C risperidone – rifaximin alone may be controlling his MH sx, and risperidone has a black box warning for dementia-related psychosis.  
2. F/U lipids, since risperidone is associated with metabolic syndrome and can elevate cholesterol.

For mental health patients – it’s so important to look at when the start date of the medication was, and see why it was started, and what the situation was. This is a great example of why.

Short post today - getting prepared for residency interviews...first one in San Diego tomorrow!

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